
This is Katja Grace‘s blog. It is about ideas that apply to enough things for long enough to be exciting.

2 responses to “About

  1. Katja,

    Well, I checked out your blog. I haven’t studied philosophy and consequently don’t have the background knowledge to fully comprehend the deeper significances alluded to in most of the discussions here. In fact, some of the conceptual posits are rather obscure. Certainly a world of thought that is different to mine but simultaneously strangely with much appeal. I have a couple of questions for you. 1. From a philosophical perspective how is fate defined or viewed? and 2. Katja, do you believe in it? You have sparked my curiosity.

    • Katja Grace

      1. I don’t know in general. I view it as a manifestation of story thought: see the category ‘overarching meaning’ in my post https://meteuphoric.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/systems-and-stories/.

      2. Probably not – I’m not sure if the world is deterministic, but if it is I’m very surprised if it’s determined by a drive toward any particular human level outcomes. Less so if we are in a simulation.